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Økologisk landbrug med holdning



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A list of links which are relevant for our work and for understanding ecology.

Information about ecology:

 Forskningscenter for økologisk jordbrug - Information about ecology and reaserch in this field

 Økologisk Landsforening - A union for farmers, businesses and consumers

 ØkoWeb - Webportal for ecology, environment and food

Local links:

 Djursland Landboforening - The local farmer union

 Hestehavegårds homepage - Farm on the eastside of Fyn with their own dairy production where the milk is from jersey cows like on Karensminde. Read e.g. more about jersey cows...

Other links:

 Arla Foods - A coop-dairy to which Karensminde deliver its milk and its Harmonie product line. From 2007 also a member of Økologisk Landsforening

 Dansk Landsbrugsrådgivning - This site gathers, processes and makes information available  to the agricultural centers and the farmers

 Fødevarerstyrelsen - A part of Ministry of Family- and Consumer Affairs. The agency takes care of the legislation and control of veterinary and food areas

 Mejeriforeningen - Branch organisation for the danish dairy producers

 Ministeriet for Landbrug, Fødevarer og Fiskeri - General information about agriculture - Agriculture, food and environment data

 Plantedirektoratet - More specific information about ecology rules



Did you know...

...that a cow is a herd animal but some animals in a herd are more dominant then others? Typicaly its strength, weight and age that decides the herd order.

 Karensminde | Tangbakkevej 3, Følle - 8410 Rønde | Tel. 61 303 403 | E-mail:  mail[at]